TBL Group 10 - E-Team Based Learning’s Updates

Murder Mystery Application Problem 2

The ER physician sent a sample of John’s blood to a commercial lab to be tested for poisoning. Upon getting this result, Dr. Jones starts John on bicarbonate, glucose, and an ethanol drip.

Why was the ethanol IV drip used?

  • A. To compete with ethylene glycol for acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.
  • B. To compete with ethylene glycol for alcohol dehydrogenase.
  • C. To compete with ethylene glycol for transport across the blood brain barrier.
  • D. To compete with ethylene glycol for transport across the renal tubules.
  • E. To provide reducing equivalents for detoxifying ethylene glycol.
  • F. Methyl-malonyl-CoA mutase deficiency


  1. Draft your response in the comment area below. Your answer should illustrate your thought process in as much detail as possible. Post your response once you have a complete explanation of your reasoning. Do not refresh your browser until you have posted your comment. We recommend a minimum of 5 sentences for an adequate explanation.
  2. Now refresh your browser. Read and comment on the responses of others from your team. Suggest extensions or modifications to their ideas. Refresh your browser regularly to view and respond to new comments from your team. Be sure to comment on all the other members of your team using the @Name function, with reasoned, evidence-based argument (several sentences per comment at least). Comment on comments as you think necesary and helpful. Work towards an agreed group response through this online chat.
  3. Your team reporter should now enter your team's answer in Benware. The whole-class discussion of this application exercise will take place verbally as usual.
  • Brett Drake
  • Brett Drake
  • Ilse Mejia
  • Ilse Mejia
  • Isaac Ngo
  • Morgan Powers
  • Morgan Powers
  • Salil Bhole
  • Brett Drake
  • Ilse Mejia
  • Ilse Mejia