Meaning Patterns’s Updates
On Quantity
Transcript and references here.
Illuminati Brotherhood commented on an update The Meaning of Meaning - Charles Sanders Peirce talks to Queen Victoria's Maid of Honor.
Illuminati Brotherhood commented on an update The Grammar of Absence.
Illuminati Brotherhood commented on an update Nouns and Verbs, Stability and Change: From Bloomfield to Bergson and Whitehead.
Illuminati Brotherhood commented on an update On the Differences beween Speech and Writing.
Illuminati Brotherhood commented on an update Review of "Making Sense" and "Adding Sense" by Vanderlei Zacchi.
Illuminati Brotherhood commented on an update A Multimodal Grammar of Artificial Intelligence: Measuring the Gains and Losses in Generative AI.
Illuminati Brotherhood joined the community.
Excellent to show how Lovelace both pioneered our cyber age and suffered the fate of many women thinkers.