FA16 Immunization Module’s Updates

Vaccine Development, Approval, and Safety Monitoring

In Dr. Tapping’s lecture, he specifically pointed out that public attention to vaccine safety increases as disease risk is no longer evident. Because of this, there is a high standard applied to vaccines, and the general public must have a general trust of vaccine efficacy and safety. Although vaccine conspiracy theories have become more popular in society, there has always been a pushback from the public since the introduction of the smallpox vaccine in 1796.

There is a thorough and comprehensive analysis of vaccine safety and efficacy before any vaccine is recommended for the general public. The following infographic was taken from the CDC’s informational section on vaccine safety in children, and outlines the process by which a vaccine is approved and undergoes continual safety monitoring. 

One highlight that caught my attention was that consideration for additional immunizations is not just done at the level of the CDC, as many anti-vaccine activists will argue. The ACIP includes members of the board-certifying agencies for pediatrics and family medicine. This committee receives recommendations from the CDC and FDA, and does a review to ensure the vaccine will provide a worthwhile benefit to the general public, and that the vaccine’s benefits outweigh the risks. Overall, this process ensures that checks and balances are in place, so that each vaccine undergoes strict scrutiny before being produced and recommended for the public.


1. Dr. Tapping's "Immunization Basics" lecture and powerpoint.

2. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/infographics/journey-of-child-vaccine.html

  • Kaitlin Weisshappel
  • Kylie Mena