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Transformative Learning: The Dynamics of Mimesis and Synthesis in Project-Based Education
One course of practice that reflects the concept of simulation. synthesis And effective reflection is project-based learning (PBL). This approach encourages students to engage deeply with real-world problems. and foster a dynamic learning environment through hands-on, collaborative experiences. Learning dynamics in project-based learning: Simulation: Simulation involves simulation and representation, and in PBL, students often model their projects based on real-life situations or existing solutions, for example when given the task of developing a community garden. Students can study successful models at other campuses. Imitate their strategies and adapt to local needs. This simulation not only helps students understand the practical application of concepts. But it also helps them connect theory with practice. By observing and replicating successful practices. Students develop key skills and insights that benefit their work. Synthesis: Synthesis is the process of combining different ideas and concepts to create a cohesive understanding. In a PBL environment, students synthesize knowledge from a variety of subject areas, such as science, arts, and social studies. To create comprehensive projects, for example, students working on renewable energy projects can research scientific theories, design prototypes, and analyze the potential social impacts of solutions. This interdisciplinary approach encourages students to integrate diverse perspectives. Leads to a more complete understanding of the topic and promotes creativity in problem solving. Reflection: Reflection involves reflecting on the learning process and understanding how one's experiences shape one's perspective. In PBL, students engage in self-reflection.