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Diversity in New Zealand education system


Media embedded July 18, 2023

Motivated by the above video, I found the following statements by New Zealand prime minister:

“Polytechnics are the great levellers in our education system. They provide high-quality education and training to people from all backgrounds, regardless of their socio-economic status, ethnicity, or gender. That's why it's so important that we ensure that polytechnics are truly inclusive institutions. We need to make sure that everyone feels welcome and valued, and that they have the opportunity to succeed. That's why we're committed to making polytechnics more diverse and inclusive. We're investing in scholarships and other initiatives to help more people from disadvantaged backgrounds access polytechnic education. We're also working to make polytechnics more welcoming and inclusive for all students, regardless of their background."

This statement from Chris Hipkins is a good start in promoting inclusion in New Zealand polytechnics. However, it is important to recognize that diversity in the  education system is not just about gender and Māori and non-Māori. There are many other forms of diversity that are also important, such as cultural diversity, religious diversity, and socio-economic diversity.

In practice, the New Zealand education system often ignores these other forms of diversity. This is unfortunate, because it means that some students are not able to fully participate in the education system. For example, students from minority cultures that are not a part of Māori or Pacifica people may feel excluded if the curriculum does not reflect their culture. Students from low-income families may also feel excluded if they cannot afford the resources that are needed to succeed in school.

It is important to remember that diversity is not just about numbers. It is also about creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. This means that the New Zealand education system needs to do more to recognize and celebrate all forms of diversity.

Here are some specific suggestions for how the New Zealand education system can promote diversity:

1. Incorporate more diverse perspectives into the curriculum: The curriculum should reflect the diversity of New Zealand society. This means including content that is relevant to all students, regardless of their background.
2. Provide more opportunities for students to learn about different cultures not only the ones they are already considering: The education system should provide more opportunities for students to learn about different cultures.
3. Create a more welcoming and inclusive environment: The education system should create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. This means ensuring that all students feel safe and respected, regardless of their background.

I believe that these suggestions would help to promote diversity in the New Zealand education system. They would help to create an environment where all students feel welcome and valued, and where they can fully participate in the education system.

  • Ronnel Relos