New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Transformative Pedagogy

In the previous weeks we got acquainted with the development of two paradigms of education as Didactic and Authentic Pedagogies. The Dr.Cope has explained the meaning of Transformative Pedagogy this week and demonstrated how it could help affect or transform the lives of students. So, a standout idea for me this week was the explanation of how schools have been reproducing inequality. The essence of Transformative Pedagogy is to change this trend, to make sure that through education the student can change his life and achieve great professional goals. While in authentic pedagogy, education was aimed at solving practical problems, that is, the son of a worker studied and become also a worker, the transformative pedagogy is aimed at creating such a learning process where the student gets the opportunity to transform his life as well as promote changes in the society.

It has been very interesting to read the material of the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, who devoted his life to educating the poor and creating opportunities for them to change their lives. (

The Austrian thinker, like Ivan Illich, opposed the school as an institution itself, and believed that it was necessary to move away from the school system.(

Their ideas have been widely usen in the UNESCO activities in the last decades.

In my opinion, the social goals that transformative pedagogy is aimed at are very important. It is necessary to take into account the processes of globalization, the problem of diversity. Now there are children of migrants in every school who find it difficult to study because of language and social problems. Therefore, the recent change that I see in the nature of education is the creation of such an education that takes into account cultural differences among students.

The second recent change in the nature of education is the development of critical thinking of students. Transformative Pedagogy implies that students learn to critically evaluate incoming information in order to understand themselves, their place in the world around them and then be able to change it.The development of critical thinking is a very important goal in transformative pedagogy.

One point that I disagree with the Dr.Cope is that authoritarian states are disappearing and that the very concept of the state is weakening. Unfortunately, in the world now there is again a process of increasing of authoritarianism, a strengthening of authoritarian states. And in such states, the transition to transformative pedagogy is not yet even considered.

  • Nara Iris Pinto Carvalho