New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Lack of Access to Technology in Education

A standout idea for me came from the “Education As the Science of Coming-to-Know” lecture where Dr. Cope mentioned that education as a science may become the new philosophy. Philosophy has been central basis for all sciences in the past, it had been as “the king” or “queen” of all the disciplines. But over the time philosophy lost much of its relevance and Prof. Cope discusses the possibility of education be the “king” of all the disciplines. As a teacher I can agree with this point because education is everywhere. New challenges require us (teachers) change and use new methods and new technologies in our professional activities. I cannot teach by using the methods I used fifteen years ago when I started my career. The role of education as a science has increased in the last decades and we have to learn a lot how to teach. It is not enough to know what to teach (didactic and authentic pedagogy) but it is very important to learn how to teach. So here we develop the concept of new, transformative pedagogy”.

Impact of digital revolution made teachers to develop teaching practices involving technology. Dr.Kalantzis mentioned the role of digital age as one of two factors that underpin the concept of “new learning”. In this regards, I would like to share with the United Nation Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ remarks on narrowing digital divide and education

Even before the pandemic, many experts raised the issue of inequality in access to technology and its impact on education. During the pandemic, the whole world is faced with the problem of how to provide remote and online education. Many people in both poor and rich countries do not have access to the Internet and do not have a computer. All this affects their learning opportunities. This problem is raised by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. He calls on governments and companies to pay attention, allocate money, and provide Internet to every school. I believe that the problem of inequality in access to technology is a big problem, and the pandemic period further exacerbates this gap.


  • Andrea Michan
  • Merete Jorgensen