New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Educational Challenges in the New Normal

The COVID - 19 pandemic has changed the world and affects every aspect of our lives, especially in our educational system here in the Philippines. It has  been two years since embracing the new normal way of delivering education  is still very hard both on the part of teachers and students. There are a lot of factors to be considered on the part of our students in distance learning. We know that here in the Philippines stable internet connection is still a big issue. Not all students can afford to buy gadgets for an online class and some are not familiar with the different online platforms. Teachers are still in the process of learning and adopting this kind of new normal way of delivering instructions. In our school before enrollment, we surveyed our students' preferred learning modality since we are planning to conduct twice a week online class for this school year. Everything that we have learned and discover from the previous pandemic school year are the things we consider especially on ensuring that learning happens to our students. Based from those consideration majority of our parents prefer the modular printed modality because they could not afford everything that is needed in the online class, so as teachers we adjust. Until now we are still facing a lot of challenges.