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Teaching ESL: A mimesis, sythesis, and reflexivity approach

As an English as a Second Language teacher for over 30 years, I have experimented with different methodologies and approaches, in search for the best and most effective ways for students to learn develop the four basic skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, speaking.

What I have found to be true is that the best method is actually a combination of methods. Each student, each group, has its own context and needs. Although the proficiency level might be the same, the purpose or reason for wanting or needing to learn English could be quite different; therefore, the teaching techniques will need to fit each scenario.

Depending on the purpose of the lesson, and on the skill or subskill that is being developed is the dynamics of the teaching and learning practice. At times drilling, choral repetition, paraphrasing, synthesizing, analyzing, reflecting or creating processes are applied.

In conclusion, I have seen that the most effective methods for students to learn a second language is through immersion in the language and culture, as much as possible, and in a more formal setting, through a combination of total physical response, the communicative approach and task-based learning as suggested by Kawasaki (2021).


Kawasaki, J. (2021). 5 Popular ESL Teaching Methods Every Teacher Should Know. Bridge Universe. Available at: