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From Didactic Learning to Freedom of Learning: My live experience on learning system in Indonesia

The way of learning in formal education has changed since I was elementary school until now in which I am working and get semi-formal education. When I was in elementary school, teacher was the center of studying. The pupils hear and copying what the teacher was saying into their book.

I was having many problems with this kind of learning. When I was in elementary school, I ask my father about the difference of animal movement and plant movement. My father explained that you could not see plant grow up, but it was. Then, he added that plant move very slow, and we cannot realize it. I wrote down that answer, but I got wrong by my teacher and friends because in the textbook used, it said that plan was moved by wind, and animal moved by running, walking, and so on. I got very angry because that was not fair, my answer also logic but it was just not covered yet by the book.

When I was in junior high school, internet became more popular. The source of information was just not in the textbook, but also could be on internet. We got more freedom to find information and could enlarged our understanding about the lesson we had learnt.

The system of education has always changed to become better than before. When I was in high school and university, the learning process was based on the students. We became the center of learning, teacher and lecturer was the guider and window to science. How much more information, skill, and knowledge we would got was based on our efforts since we could get more information from library and internet.

Nowadays, student should be more independent than before. Coronavirus pandemic has affected learning process for all grades[1]. Online learning become mandatory. It has changed the learning to become more student centered.

Recently, in Indonesia, The Ministry of Education and Culture has launched “Merdeka Belajar” or can be translated as “Freedom of Learning”. This system allows students to gain skill and knowledge not just from teacher, and other resources provided by school, but also from internet, library, and community [2]


  1. ^ Li, C., & Lalani, F. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how. World Economic Forum. Achived from:
  2. ^ Taufik, M. (2021). Secara Konseptial Merdeka Belajar Itu Ideal. Itjen Kemendikbud. Achived from:
  • Phuong Fiona Nguyen
  • Puti Didi