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Pedagogy is the driver and Technology the accelarator or vice versa?

In this interview [1] in ET (Education Technology) magazine, Dr Aspa Baroutsis, postdoctoral research fellow at the Griffith Institute for Educational Research, says that she believes technology can be both an educational driver and accelerator – depending on the context. She suggests that teachers should use technology as another teaching strategy or approach. 

After all, it's clear that it's not technology that makes the difference, it's the pedagogy. For excample, in Didactic pedadogy, the teacher addresses the students in the classroom and students can only participate by rasing their hand and exactly the same can be done with the use of technology in a vitrual clrassroom or, with some differences, in a flipped classroom. [2] The use of technology is essential to reflexive/transformative pedagogy, but it is not enough by itself. 

According to Dr. Baroutsis, for technologies to act as positive drivers, there would need to be: 

  • Access for all
  • Time given for teachers and schools to develop their knowledge 
  • Technology to be accepted as natural aspect of learning spaces and
  • Reconfiguring classrooms and schools so that learning spaces are better suited for integrating technologies within learning.

Generaly refering to pros and cons of technology in the classroom, Dr. Baroutsis states that "within the context of learning the overuse, or an over-reliance on one thing – whether that’s digital technology or something else – is a con. But then so is a lack of usage or exposure to digitally-based learning opportunities". A thoughtful and meaningful use of technology, has many affordances and keeps students more engaged in their learning. [3] 

Technologies can enhance a more personalized learning and help us collect specific data, so that assessment is constant, useful and targeted to that one student [4] and at the same time can support children in working collaboratively within groups. 

Dr. Baroutsis views pedagogy and technology as complementary, in a symbiotic relationship, like the pieces of jig-saw and that this relationship between technology and pedagogy will intensify over the next few decades, as part of the impetus for this intensification is the global pandemic. At the end of the interview, she suggests that, in order to succeed technology integration, the partnership between teachers and the families of the children they teach is of paramount importance.





  • Leo Olitoquit
  • Zhanar Massaliyeva
  • Zhanar Massaliyeva
  • Mariza Paschali