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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

Online teaching is the process of educating others via the internet. Various methods can be used, such as one-on-one video calls, group video calls and webinars. With online education, students can turn anywhere with internet access and electricity into a classroom. It's a rich learning environment with much more flexibility than a traditional classroom. In this time of pandemic, online learning is very much important and necessary. Changing on the learning environment of student is very much needed. Now that we are facing on the changes in learning, we have to set the learners mind from face-to-face class to online learning modality. But we have to bare in our mind that their is an advantages and disadvantages in online learning. The advantages of online learning are: 1. Efficiency, 2. Accessibility of Time and Place, 3. Affordability, 4. Improved Student Attendance, 5. Suits a Variety of Learning Styles. The disadvantages of Online Learning are: 1. Inability to Focus on Screen, 2. Technology Issues, 3. Sense of Isolation, 4. Teacher Training , and 5. Manage Screen Time. All of this can see and experience through online learning.

  • Mariza Paschali
  • Mark Johnstone