New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Dynamic of learning or Update #6

Aristotel explains mimesis or in other words-imitation-to be one of the distinctive aspects of human nature (7.) All what we have invinted, have similarities in nature. Writers and artists make real lifes imitation in book stories, theatre plays, music, paintings and dance. On time our teacher in university asked us, if people can thinking outside frames and what would be life with out any frames. And we said yes, creative people will think outside frames. And she said, that it is imposible to think outside frames like they would have not be. We can make bigger and bigger frames, but for now our brains are not ready to live without them. We need some order. We can not imagine something absolutly new and what was not seen anywhere. Or maybe we can? People with similar cultural and language abilities make society. And we make new generation-our children. And time ago we were children by ourselfes. And our parents, and grandparents were children. So the experiance, what they get in they life, they give to our parents, and our parents give to us. And we share our exparence with our children. Children imitate our emotion reactions, our activities. As said Regīna Melzoba:"Don't raise a child, raise yourself! The child will still be like you!" I can see that to my childrens, my daughters could say sentences in way I or my husband say, they act similar we act. Children are our mirror. They show us truly. So we need to show how to take responsibilities, how to create, show them actions what they can give to next generations. So on Resources No.1 and No.2 are story about 2 preschools who has similar system right now. Our country and our neighbors Russia. We have similar preschool working times, mostly from 7am till 7pm, but some pre schools ends at 6pm. We as Russians need pay on country preschools just for meals and if you have 3 our more children, then it is 50% discount for paying. Offcourse we have private preschools, and they have some country co-financing for parents. And there are similarities in preschool enviroment, sleeping and resting places and learning places. They have meals 3 times in day, active time outside 2 times in day-on morning and after lunch time on evening. And lessons children have exercises, where they do similar works- they sing with teacher, they learn how to play musical instruments or make art works with plasticine, things from nature, different kind of colors, paper and so on. But mostly teacher give them sample or model, what king of work children need to do. They learn how to write letters and numbers with teacher sample. They have routine and clear what need to do. Usually there are wee and month theme for lessons. But now soon in all preschools we will have different system, will group activities in different centres, where children can decide themselfes what he or she will do. There will be math center, landuage center, art and craft center, nature science center and relax center. In every month or week activities will be put on these centers by theme. Teacher will be mentor not the main figure. Childrens will learn in stages. You can see similar thing in Resource 3. And all education system will be more concentred on skills and personality grown up as it is similar in Finland educational system (4.). Children can make learning more fun, more free way and make teamwork and sinteze new way of knowladges. And what is about reflexivity? In our preschools children knowledges forexample in arts shows in artworks or figures. On letter learning they can answer what letter it is, how pronounced it and in math understand how big is each number and how do mathematical actions. But it will change? Yes. New technologies, new teaching skills and learning. Future preschools, I have found great examples in Japan and India (Resources 5. and 6.). They are not keep in some classroom, they have free learning place, amazing playgrounds where build team work, empaty, social skills and healthy movement with inspiration from nature. Perfect place with amazing teacher work and technologies for learning. Dream places. Dream ideas. And I wish every child on our planet could be possibility to go on that kind of preschool and be not just child, not just learner, but be them selfes the best version.

1. preschool in Russia

2. preschool in Jūrmala, Latvia

3. day in the life of Pre-K

4. 10 reasons why Finland has the best education system in the world

5. the world's cutest kindergarten, designed by architect Takaharu Tezuka

6. 21st centuary preschool in India

7. Aristotle. 350 BCE-c. Poetics. The Internet Classics Archive, MIT.. IV, I, II, XXV, IV.