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Changes in Latvias education system

My country Latvia stands to big changes front. On this year on schools will start new education system, what will be based on school children learning successively and connected with all education levels, starting to pre-school till Secondary school. Why? Becouse situation before 10 years was much more different, than naw, students and children come to school with different experience and knowledges, so teaching need new forms and teachers need new exercises, to adapt new worlds order. And becouse of change of different education level in different schools in Latvia, new educational content has been developed. Becouse world is changing so fast, that our children need to learn problem solving, to know where can find information. On new system wont be just writing in textbooks, listening what teacher say and just learn from books to do better marks on tests, but without possibility combine tests and knowladges with life outside school. Even this new system little bit remebers one of Social-cultural Dimensions of Didactic pedagogy( one-size-fits-to-all), becouse they want, that all students are on the same level, they got equivalent knowladges. But that is just my own view.The same is for teachers and school system, what now is hierarchic, then after this new system will be in all schools, teachers and directors will be as one team. More about our education system you can see on these documents, what are on Resources No.1 and No.3, where are official documents in which our school system and school people knowladges are viewed in our historical, geographical, socio-cultural, economical and political situations and comapre even with OECD standarts. I think, you will like read blog (No.4) from teacher, who come to Latvia from UK and he compares or education system and feeling teaching Latvian school pupils to UK system. So right now in Latvia are different lessons and subjects, but in few years they changed. For example, when I learned in school, we had health education, what become social science. Or one subject- natural sciences - become in chemical, geography, biology and physic. And now training content will be in 3 parts: areas of study, which includes languages, social and national, cultural understanding and artistic self-expression in arts, natural sciences, math, tehnological, and helath and physical activitates. They will teaches different skills: self-knowledge and selfmanagment, thinking and creativity, cooperation and collebration, and digital skills. And studnets will be optimized with these lessons not just knowledges, but character possibilities, too. For more you can read and watch on Resources No.2 and No.5. So for teachers it is really new world and will asks new skills from to be teacher a boss and leader, to teacher just helper in learning for student self learning. And I am really excited to see-how it will be realise.





