New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Update #2 Social Objectives for education in Latvia

On 14th October 2020 happened UNESCO "Education for All" board meeting, where professor, Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, who was President in Latvia from 1999-2007, and now is UNESCO "Futures of Education" member of commision. She said:"Schools and educational institutions are not just places for acquiring information and cognitive skills, they are important places for socialization, where the skills necessary for living in a civilized society are acquired. The most important thing in the educational process is access to education for all, because otherwise there are negative consequences for society and they apply to all countries - rich and poor. Lifelong learning is also important, as future societal changes will undoubtedly be influenced by automation, robotisation and the development of artificial intelligence, which will at the same time significantly change the economy and society. Consequently, any individual must be prepared to adapt to changes in life expectancy, as there are already professions that are already beginning to disappear under the influence of Covid-19, and this will become more pronounced in the future," I agree this wonderful and wise woman. Her opinion shows, how important is make school and educational institutons with modern tools and that schools are not just for learning sciences and languages, etc., but as more important-get contacts, learn social flexible and how to catch future possibilties. It shows problem, about what is fighting all around the world- educational inequality. Teachers, students and parents have to be more flexible, more open minded, becouse of globalization. We are not just our country and their others. We are together strongly with different countries, we have to learn not just in schools, but in all our lifes every day, becouse of this fast modern world. And Covid-19 just show, how important new technologies could be not just in learning, but in all sociaty together. It forced even teachers, who are in more didactic pedagogy learn, and learn fast, in new technologies, learn how to use them to make qualitaty lessons remoetly. Our society changes, our people are changing, old system is not that effective anymore. We all have to learn how to live with technologies in our lives, with new children generation, who are more wise and more ready for futer, than we are. But we have to learn with them and to learn together to be brave, to be nice and kind for different people from different places, to understand new technologies and make new professions. To make better world. Thatway all around and in my country is project School 2030, what will help us buld new and better us. In Latvia this system is started in pre-school and now is starting with schools, too. Teachers are little bit comfused, but children love new system. But I think it will take little time to understand, how much better that will be for our children and our selfs. Becouse life and world is changing and we have to change with them. We can do it, and Covid-19 crisis showed, that in Latvia we did it right well.



  • Karen Crosby