Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Discussion Forum: Essential Update #5

Comment: In what ways can computer-mediated learning environments support more active learning?

Make an Update: Describe and analyze an example of social learning supported by ubiquitous learning devices.

Computer Mediated Active Social Learning Links

Computer mediated learning environments can increase engaegement in learners, in a number of ways. They can be sued to appeal to some lerner's naturally competitve nature. 

The site, Letterbox, lets learners compete against their friends, and improve their vocabulary at the same time. The attched pdf hs an image and more information about the site.


Letterbox site


Elearn 1

The article linked above ,also gives seven social learning acitivites that are a perfect fit for on-line training. ( The article has also been atached to the pdf ) 

The seven actvities are: 1. Social Media Group Collaboration Projects

2. Online Discussions 3. Team-Based Serious Games

4. Online Mentorships 5. Employee-Created Blogs

6. Monthly Webinars  & 7. Use Video-Sharing Platforms To Spark Online Discussions

Team based Serious Games, in particular, can be useful as people compete against their friends and co-wrokers to earn badges. 

Elearn 2
Elearn 3
Elearn 4


Next, the University of Oklahoma has a wonderful site, available for free to educators that helps students develop their critical thinking skills , to solve real world problems, The game , " Deadly Distribution " , is especially relevant, as students need to contain the spread of a deadly virus with limited time / resources. ( the attached pdf also has aimges from the K20 Website. 

K20 Univ. Of Oklahoma


Next, the Free Rice game allows people to give back to the less fortunate as they learn vocabulary , and other content.. The game gets progressivly harder with each correct answer, OR it gets easier with each IN-correct response. 

Images and a description have been included in the pdf.

Free Rice

Finally, there is an app game , created by a Syrian refugee, that can help people devleop empathy for the difficulties facing refugees, around the world. 

The link to learn about the game is:


In conclusion, each of the above links help learners develop different attributes, such as empathy, content knowledge, and social cohesiveness, AS they are engaged in learning and / or competiiton against themsleves, or their peers.