BPESA National Virtual Skills Forum’s Updates

Measuring, Promoting and Developing Digital Competencies through Demonstrable Knowledge Exercises and Certifications

Digital literacy is fast becoming a key focus for South Africa as we navigate a more digitally enabled work and learning environment as a result of 4IR and more recently, the COVID-19 crisis. 

We must design innovative solutions which will equip South African citizens with the digital literacy skills to participate in the digital economy. 

In France, an innovative solution has been a platform called Pix. Pix is a platform for the assessment and certification of digital competencies for French citizens. This initiative has been conducted by the French Ministry of Education together with various research institutions.

The main idea is to measure, promote and develop digital competencies with the help of challenge-based tasks built using evidence-centered design. An adaptive test is currently developed to reduce the length of assessment. The collected data from this platform will be available for research purposes.

It is built upon DigComp 2.0, the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. There are five main areas addressed: information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety and problem solving. 

Read more about Pix here: 

