Hiba Shahid
Hiba Shahid commented on an update Week8: Musa Aziz Yokie. The Build and Market feasibility of Mobile Phones in Monitoring essential drugs in ENG 298 SP17.
Hiba Shahid commented on an update Week 8 Tanmay Shah in ENG 298 SP17.
Hiba Shahid commented on an update Week 8: Daniel Kaitibi- Health and Hospital Management Information System in ENG 298 SP17.
Hiba Shahid created the update Week 7: Neonatal Hypothermia.
Hiba Shahid created the update Week 6: Doctor Assistant App Pretotype.
Hiba Shahid commented on an update Week 7: Lemun Tense - Cholera and Diarrheal Diseases in ENG 298 SP17.
Hiba Shahid commented on an update Week 7- Tanmay Shah in ENG 298 SP17.