Jolem Mwanje’s Updates


I am a public Health specialist, born from uganda but currently working in South Sudan. I lead a national NGO in South Sudan know Impact Health Organization (IHO) you can find on twitter @impacthealthorg and Facebook @impact health organization South Sudan. I am interest in the course because South Sudan has been devastated by decades of war in terms of loss of human life, massive displacement, destruction of both physical and social infrastructure, and loss of human resource development opportunities, including the loss of experienced health professionals. This, combined with a lack of awareness, has seriously limited both access to and use of quality immunization services.

My organization does support the immunization through promotion maternal and child health. We aim at ensuring that women deliver from the health facility, followed up after delivery and ensure that also those who deliver in the community get access to services including Immunization given that fact that 80% of pregant women deliver at home. This course is a great opportunity for me as will enable to gain experience on how we can change the dyanmics of the country.

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