Mary Hernandez’s Updates

Update # 4 Using Video Modeling to Teach Social Skills

Using Video Modeling to Teach Social Skills

Video modeling is using a video to teach and learn new skills. Video modeling is an evidence-based practice for students with unique learning needs. Video modeling can be implemented into project based learning in the classroom. Teachers can model using videos to demonstrate different activities or even appropriate behaviro while working in a collaborative learning group.

Today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the fastest growing developmental disabilities in the United States, with 1 in 68 children currently being diagnosed ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017)). A student diagnosed with ASD, can have deficits in social communication, behavior, respective movements, and social interaction. Students with ASD benefit from academic lessons that incorporate social interaction and communication (Cardon, 2019)

Cardon (2019), compelted a study examined if a functional relationship exists between video modeling (VM) of peer models and increased outcomes in social communication goals for school-age children in an integrated public school setting. The study showed that students learned best through video modeling that was doen using their peers instead of just teachers. Growth was shown through video modeling from just a teacher, but their was higher acadmic growth when peers were used (Cardon, 2019). I chose this study because, video modeling can be used during project based learning with stduents with special needs.

Personal Experience:

In my current school we had a student who had significant behavior issues. She was a 5th grade female student who loved American Girl Dolls. My staff decided to make our own videos to demonstrate postive and appropriate school behavior using the American Girl dolls to model how appropriate behavior should look while at school, and how to appriprotaley work in collaborative learning groups safely.

Media embedded November 17, 2019



Cardon, T., Wangsgard, N., & Dobson, N. (2019). Video Modeling Using Classroom Peers as Models to Increase Social Communication Skills in Children with ASD in an Integrated Preschool. Education & Treatment of Children, 42(4), 515–536. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders: Autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 14 Sites, United States, 2002. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Surveillance Summaries, 56, 12–28.