Bridget Golden’s Updates
Update 4: Social Mind and Emotional Intelligence
The concept of the social mind correlates with an individual's interactions with his or her environment and the development of the brain through these interactions. From infancy, humans seek social opportunities and the development of socialization...More
Update 3: Constructivism and Special Education
"Constructivist teaching philosophy is all about accepting student autonomy where student thinking drives the lessons, where dialogue, inquiry, and puzzlement are valued and assessing student learning is in the context of teaching. It helps teachers.....More
Post 2: Analyze an example of and intelligence test
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System: A Supplemental Assessment to IQ Tests in Determining IntD Label in School Psychological Evaluations
The determination of an intellectual disability in an individual is determined through many components. The fir...More
Applied Behavior Analysis and Operant Conditioning
Applied Behavior Analysis and Behaviorism/Operant Conditioning
B.F. Skinner's theory of Operant Conditioning defines formal education as "the teacher creating optimal patterns of stimulus and response (reward and publishment)." (Kalantzis & Cop...More