Juhi Bansal's Interests
Interdisciplinary And Experiential Education
Interdisciplinary And Experiential Education
Juhi Bansal and Kelly Leonard are now peers.
Juhi Bansal created the update Update 6: Peer Collaboration, AI Review, and Self-Reflection.
Juhi Bansal created the update Update 5: AI Generated Image.
Juhi Bansal commented on an update Update 3: What is the need of AI in Academic Advising? in EPSY 408 SU24.
Juhi Bansal commented on an update Update 4: Rationale of AI in Academic Advising from the lens of Theoretical Framework in EPSY 408 SU24.
Juhi Bansal created the update Update 4: Rationale of AI in Academic Advising from the lens of Theoretical Framework.
Juhi Bansal created the update Update 3: What is the need of AI in Academic Advising?.