Brittany Glenn’s Updates

Update 1: Ubiquitous Learning

Media embedded December 18, 2017

Ubiquitous learning is  defined as learning that can occur anywhere, anytime and is additionall closely associated with mobile technologies. The availability of portable computers and computing devices has easily confused the traditional lines between formal and informal learning.learning is situated and immersive in that learning could take place in a non traditional setting such as a virtual environment. This learning can then occue in a one to one aspect further considering that learning may occur differently due to technology, portability, connectivity, and context sensitivity. According to Nicholas C. Burbules (2009), there are six aspects of uniquitous learning. These include:

Spatial ubiquity -  constant access to the Internet, therefore others aslo have constant access to you. 
Mobile devices - learning is enabled by the mobility of computing devices. 
Interconnectedness - With web 2.0 technology, we can be constantly connected not only to information on the Internet, but to other people who have knowledge and skills that we don't. 
Practical ubiquity - There is a blurring of traditional lines in an either/or situation. 


Temporal ubiquity - Instead of one's schedule being created around the opportunities to learn, there is a shift and with mobile and ubiquitous computing, learning can be scheduled around one's habits and preferences
Globalized transnational networks - In the flattened world, there are continual flows of people, information and ideas across traditional physical and cultural barriers. We are in an age of fundamental interconnectedness.