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Week 2 Managers Assignment

Question 1


The questionnaire should be customized specifically for immunization coverage , the precluding question on household from page 1-11 though necessary but should be reviewed to capture the number of persons in the household and eligible children only. Other questions could be use somewhere for another survey. simply because that most times respondents get tired when too many questions are asked The cluster ID should be predetermined prior to the survey and each questionnaire should have its own specific cluster ID, not necessarily the one written by the interviewer. The reason is that interviewers could mis- number the cluster IDs or misclassify an urban area as rural or vice versa, which leads to difficulty during data analysis/interpretation.


Q2. See attachment on the Excel file

Q3 . It is important to have a unique identifier for each individual in a survey to enable batter data analysis and also helps in identifying all the relevant variables

Key considerations to ensure this is to have a combination of numbers linked to different types of information e.g. stratum ID, cluster ID and household ID. The stratum ID can be 01, cluster ID 11, and household ID 35; the unique ID could read 01-11-35, indicating the various numbers from the different variables.


Ensure good alignment have been made for the pictures


The features I will recommend to be added when using CAPI are:

Logic condition that could detect and or prevent errors

inclusion of precision by using starts and ending GPS

Starts and ends times etc

Trained technician that could address issues related to server , downloading sent data by surveyors to guide analysis
