Yessa Villegas’s Updates

The Changing Role of the Educator in the New Normal

Since educational institutions were way behind in adopting technology, having focused more on classroom teaching and never having seriously considered online education as a credible model, they were slightly more unprepared than other sectors. However, due to the incredible resilience and determination, educators were quick to adapt to the new normal. Instructors and educators have had to upskill themselves almost overnight to adjust to the new modes of teaching, ensuring that learning remains accessible to students even in the current circumstances.

With learning shifting from the public space (classrooms) to a more personal area (online), the role of the educator has also evolved. As the demand for personalized learning and online courses continues to snowball, instructors are required to learn (upskill) as much as, or even more than their students to deal with the new demand for future-proof courses. As teaching and learning become more personalized, educators need to come up with innovative teaching methodologies on a case-to-case basis to suit the learner’s requirement.

From preparing a personalized curriculum for courses to being a content creator to mentoring students on real-world projects to ensure that they are job-proof, and upskilling themselves to stay abreast of emerging technology and skills, today’s educators dabble in many things. From being facilitators of learning, educators have also turned to be innovators. The curriculum will be more practical and skill-oriented with a focus on creating a pipeline of high quality and job-ready talent for the industry. Demand for upskilling platforms will only continue to grow as people have now realized the importance of regular upskilling and acquiring new skill-sets to meet evolving workforce demands and stay relevant.
