Hassan Wolfgan Mtenga’s Updates

Wee 2 Community Assignment

Step 1. Select a country for this assignment.


Step 3: Identify the questions you want to answer about data flow, data tools, and the performance of your country is monitoring system.

  • What are the tools used for collecting routine data at primary health care level
  • What tools are used for vaccines supply chain and distribution
  • What is the turnaround time of data from one level of health system to another and feedback loop

Q1. How does data flow?

  • Based on the national health sector M&E framework data flow from community to health facilities level then to district and then to resource center and then to national bureau of statistics and lastly to national level.

Q.2. What are the different reporting layers (that is, who reports to whom) and what are the requirements for timeliness and reporting frequencies?

  • Community data is reported to health facilities whom reports to district level and this is on monthly bases. The district is then accountable for reporting to national level where there several technical working group whom do the review on quarterly bases

Q.3 Who first collects the data, prepares paper reports, enters data into electronic systems, receives and reviews reports?

  • The primary source of data is at community and health facilities level. All data are paper based at community and health facility level. The data is being transferred into electronic system DHIS2 at district level going up to national level. Each level is responsible for data review on monthly bases at health facility level and district level and quarterly at national level

Q.4. What measures and procedures are in place for data verification, cleaning and feedback. What process is followed if data seems to be wrong?

  • The M&E framework specifies the implementation of data quality audit at all level as part of routine data collection using the standard guideline developed by MOH. Each level of health system will be responsible for conducting DQA to subsequent level below it.

Q.5. Who are the relevant players/stakeholders at each level. What do they do with the data (for example, collect, enter into electronic system, analyze, use to make decisions, etc.)?

  • There are several player at each level, starting at health facility level the key players are health facility in charges who is overall decision in charge of day-to-day management of health services, the immunization nurses who collect data and provide services.
  • At district level the district health manager is primary user of the data while the district biostatistician and HMIS focal person are responsible for data entry
  • The regional and national level are the technical team, which are data user for policy and implementation review. They are also responsible for data quality audit to sub national level.

Step 4: Identify and collect relevant background documents and other sources of information for your selected country.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Implementation of Health Sector Development Plan 2016 – 2020

The cMYP 2012 – 2016

Step 5: Share the most useful resources you find in our Scholar community SHARES.

Step 8. Describe the data flow of your country.

  • My country is Tanzania and the data flow commence from health facilities level to district level where the aggregation process and transfer to electronic data system (HMIS and DVDMT). The data is then sent to regional and national level. There is one-month time lag in data flow facility level to national level.

Step 9. Make a SWOT analysis.


  1. Immunization data fully integrated into MOH HMIS system
  2. Quarterly feedback is provided to districts
  3. Availability of national M&E plan


  1. Lack of real time visibility of data from primary health care level to national level
  2. In adequate supply and distribution of immunization tools, child health cards and tally sheets to districts
  3. Late and incomplete monthly HMIS reporting from the districts
  4. Irregular support supervision to the districts due to, Increased number of the districts,

Step 10. Summarize what you learned from all of the other steps.