Jennifer Struebing’s Updates
5th Masters Class...
Starting soon...
Starting soon...
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 6: STAR Reading.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 5: Playposit - Find the symbols.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 4: The Social Media Hydra.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 3: Functional Literacy - The Argument essay.
Jennifer Struebing commented on an update Section 3b: Literacies Pedagogy in Theory in EPS 554 SP18.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 2: Didactic or Innovative? What do you think? .
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 1: Do you know the difference between an Emoticon and an Emoji? .
Yay, and we'll be taking it together!