Jennifer Struebing’s Updates
4th Masters class
I'm now working on my 4th Masters in New Learning class!
I'm now working on my 4th Masters in New Learning class!
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 6: STAR Reading.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 5: Playposit - Find the symbols.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 4: The Social Media Hydra.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 3: Functional Literacy - The Argument essay.
Jennifer Struebing commented on an update Section 3b: Literacies Pedagogy in Theory in EPS 554 SP18.
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 2: Didactic or Innovative? What do you think? .
Jennifer Struebing created the update Update 1: Do you know the difference between an Emoticon and an Emoji? .