Joshua Lieb’s Updates

Update 4

For my 4th update i choose to talk about Montessori schools and my experanice with them, For about 2 months my mom put me in one when i was in kindergarden. She ended up taking me out becasue i wasnt listening and just didnt seem to be advanceing. She then put me into public school were i calmed down and started paying attention and listening. I think that it takes a certian kind of kid to progress in a Montessori enviroment. I have been the coach of my sons baseball team for the past 2 years and we have had a kid that is in a Montessori school. He is next to un coachable. We try and try everything and nothing works he doesnt listen. I belive that with the Montessori program giving the freedom it does can make for issues out side of the school. The lady in the artice below explains why boys dont do that well in school espicially boys.