Madeline Watson's Interests
Learning Design
Learning Design
Madeline Watson commented on an update 4. Games and Simulations in EPSY 559 FA23.
Madeline Watson commented on an update Update 4. Digital Dynamics: Applying Ubiquitous Learning Principles in Middle School. in EPOL 580 FA23.
Madeline Watson commented on an update 3. Adaptive and Personalized Learning in EPSY 559 FA23.
Madeline Watson commented on an update 2. Social Media and Peer Interaction in EPSY 559 FA23.
Madeline Watson commented on an update UPDATE 4: Translating Equity into Higher Education Online Teaching in EPSY 559 FA23.
Madeline Watson commented on an update Update 4: Data Analysis as an Instructional Practice in EPOL 580 FA23.
Madeline Watson commented on an update Update 5: Peer Collaboration and Self-Reflection in EPOL 580 FA23.