Emily Moore’s Updates

Update 1: E-Textbooks v Traditional Textbooks

Textbooks over online instruction have become a new topic of debate. Textbooks are now being transformed into online learning materials ever since the educators and students were forced to continue their studies virtually during a pandemic in 2020. E-textbooks were around before this date but are now becoming more popular. Textbooks are becoming outdated whereas online instruction is continuously updated to the newest technological advances to support student learning.

There are pros and cons to online textbooks. According to a recent study, pros included an increase in cognitive engagement because students are utilizing the e-textbook features and media elements embedded within the text (Dobler, 2015). The study also recorded the cons of online textbooks which included increased eye strain, the feeling of being overwhelmed with all the choices the e-textbooks have to offer, and an increase in distraction as the textbook is on a technological device (Dobler, 2015).

The image below lists the advantages and disadvantages of both an e-textbook and traditional textbook.

*Image from eCampus News

E-textbooks do provide more options. In an e-textbook, students have access to more information, students can digitally annotate the text, highlight, and search keywords within the text.

Additionally, e-textbooks link additional resources to help students expand their knowledge on a topic. The world is seemingly shifting towards technological practices of learning. The question remains as this: What is going to be the best way to support student learning?


Dobler, E. (2015). E-textbooks. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(6), 482–491. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaal.391

Stansbury, M., & Meris StansburyThe former Editorial Director for both eSchool News and eCampus News. (2014, September 4). Understanding the etextbook war-and how to prepare - page 2 of 3. eCampus News.