Jennel Bernil's Interests
Jennel Bernil commented on an update Update 5: Feedback and Formative Assessment in EPOL 583 SP22.
Jennel Bernil commented on an update Update 5: Computer Adaptive Testing in EPOL 583 SP22.
Jennel Bernil commented on an update Update 5: Recursive Feedback and the Question "What Kind of Dog is That?" in EPOL 583 SP22.
Jennel Bernil created the update Update 5: Recursive Feedback-Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS).
Jennel Bernil commented on an update Update 8: Differentiated Learning, software for differentiated instruction (DI) in EPOL 583 SP22.
Jennel Bernil commented on an update Update 8: Differentiated Learning – Dyslexia in EPOL 583 SP22.
Jennel Bernil created the update Update 8: Differentiated Learning, software for differentiated instruction (DI).