Leron Markeis Black’s Updates

Update 3


When finding out your method of teaching it can be very difficult because every student learns differently. Try to teach students can be a struggle simply because every student may not be as engaged as you need them to be in order for you as a teacher to get your point across. Once you have found a specific teaching method you may or may not be able to stick with it just because some students learn differently. Some students need to be hands on and need you to walk them through steps whereas other students can listen and atomatically apply what they learned. For the studenst that need hands on instrution it can take more time but getting a studnet to fully understand a lesson but I think every student deserves the right to get taught properly. The studnets that are able to listen to a lecture and apply it are quiker learners and are able to catch on to lessons quicker. I think studnets who are able to quickly apply are better studnets online students I say this because they are able to listen to a video and just apply it to what they are trying to learn. Online classes can be difficult if you are a hands on learning because there is not as much question asking you cant ask a question and get straight answers during online teaching.