Sayed H Amin’s Updates

The Real Purpose of Assessments?

Formative or summative assessments have always been used for different reasons in the history of education. One of them has been to assess the level of education and there are a lot of hidden reasons that we might not be able to see. A lot of people think that assessments are just assessments but they could be wrong. Because assessments have been used for other purposes as well, for example, they have been used systematically to give some people privileges over others, or they have been used to prove some students are lazy or they lake ability to study or they have been used to prove some institutions are better over others, or they have been used simply to manipulate parents in one or the other way to send their kids to the schools.
The sad part is that yet institutes, teachers, or political parties use especially the summative assessment for similar reasons.

There is no doubt that assessments are important and they should always be there, but how can we protect the assessments from being abused.

Media embedded March 3, 2019

No child will remain behind is a good contemporary example of systematic discrimination. The system was introduced to protect the schools, curriculum, or teachers, rather than helping students. 

Media embedded March 3, 2019

A question has always been in my mind, is there a way that we can stop the abuse or misconduct of assessments? Are there better ways that we can assess students knowledge? Is it necessary to assess students knowledge on something that they will not be able to recall in a couple of years? I think these are some serious questions that institutions should refer to the back with an open mind and consider different ways to assess students knowledge.
Let us watch a small clip that how simple questions are answered better by kids than adults. 

Media embedded March 3, 2019

There is a private educational system in Sweden called Kunskapsskolan that has invested in a new educational system, the outcome of this new system has been phenomenal in some countries.

Media embedded March 3, 2019
Media embedded March 3, 2019


At the end I would like to say, that I do not have a definite answer on how to replace the current assessment system which despite a lot of problems works and forces students to study hard for the things they will not remember in few years or months, but I know that the system requires improvement and it should be improved to something better.

Media embedded March 3, 2019
