Emmanuel Tenywa’s Updates


Uganda: Invest in a coherent planning cycle, with strategic, comprehensive, Multi-year and operational annual plans outlining and coordinating strategies and activities, which are monitored quarterly

Country of Focus –Uganda

Transformative Investment:

Invest in ensuring that sufficient and adequately appropriated funds reach the operational level of the program regularly


1. Develop and update costed cMYPs.

2. Use costing and benefit of immunization information in the cMYP for advocacy

3. Develop and Budget for an operational annual EPI plan of action

4. Plan efficient vaccination services at district level

5. Monitor the implementation and expenditure of all plans

6. Create and maintain a national immunization planning cycle by linking national health plans , cMYPs, annual plans of action and quarterly monitoring of plans

7. Track the service delivery expenditure and short falls at all level

Three prioritized strategies

1. Develop and update costed cMYPs.

2. Develop and Budget for an operational annual EPI plan of action

3. Track the service delivery expenditure and short falls at all level



Uganda is struggling to improve and sustain the immunization coverage to the required level at the district, national, regional and global level. The choice of this transformative investment is that I think it makes attempt of collating efforts from the other 8 transformative investment as all them are quite relevant, its good practice to put transformative investments and their strategies and activities into an action plan and this then gets into our cMYP and annual plan that can encamps all the other transformative investments and strategies.

The choice of the prioritized strategies is based on the what must be done to ensure that work is done and monitored, we must develop the cMYP and cost it, and from the cMYP countries should have annual work plans drawn from the comprehensive plans and these should be aligned to the national and regional plans and finally we need to take account of what service we are able to deliver and at what cost and we identify any obstacles like budget deficits.

  • Emmanuel Tenywa
  • Alex Adjagba
  • Emmanuel Tenywa
  • Alex Adjagba