Ken Jones’s Updates
Update 1: Playstation
So I am sitting in my living room grading papers from student's essay's and my son comes down and begins playing this video game. He then picks up his head set and begins talking to one of his friends from school. (So as the noisy parent that I am) I am listening intensely to the their conversation especially when they begin mentioning about young ladies. During this conversation, it begin to hit me that they are not talking about the game but their talking about homework, teachers, and girls at school. For the life of me, I still don't understand how they're playing a fast-paced game and having a conversation over the headset at the same time. Next thing I know they begin texting each other through the video game console. As I am watching him finish the game he tells me to watch this and the game is actually sending him a text message about his performance in the video game. So now I am just blown away. I ask my son how in the world can you have on a head set talking to your friend, playing a video game that's moving a mile a minute, and of all things he begins texting another friend who just came into the game at the same time? My son looks at me and says "dad this is normal, this is how we communicate with each other all the time." So I said "don't you guys ever talk over on the phone?" He looked at me and laughed, while at the same time displaying the facial expression of dad your old and arcaic. My wife comes down and tell me that this is the new form of communicaton for these kids. This is how they socially engage with each other.
Hilarious. This is life in 2018. How old is your son? My son is 11 and super literate in all forms of communication. He loves his Xbox, his friends all have one, they have headsets on to chat about hard hard life is and how unfair Mr. Ziolo is with his one point grading system. They, too, discuss everything but the game. What started out as a way to communicate with on another using the head pieces simply became a way of life. Technology has taken over. They all have cell phones as well. But they use that more to share youtube videos and less to communicate. Technologies intentions are way off... but hey, they know how to multitask, that's for sure!