Megan Straka
Megan Straka commented on an update Update 6: Socratic Dialogue in EPOL 583 SP21.
Megan Straka created the update Update 6: Socratic Dialogue.
Megan Straka created the update Update 4: Simulations in Education.
Megan Straka commented on an update Update 3: Inquiry Based Learning and Technology in EPOL 583 SP21.
Megan Straka commented on an update Update 1- Virtual Field Trips: More Accessible, but Less Valuable in EPOL 583 SP21.
Megan Straka created the update Update 3: Inquiry Based Learning and Technology.
Megan Straka updated their profile information.
- Simulations in Education
- Has Ubiquitous Learning Improved the Educational Experience for Digital Natives?
- Discovery Based Learning
- Schema and Constructivism using Educational Technology