Robyn Baron’s Updates

Week 3 assignment reflections.... and week 4 tips and hints!

Hi everyone - 

I have been poking around and commenting on several of your week 3 assignments and I just wanted to share a few things - 

First, a hearty congratulations to everybody! You all did fabulous jobs! Many of you highlighted veery different things and, taken as a whole, have definitely convened an ideal RGA plan :)

Second, for those of you who still need to comment on others' assignments in community, please do so on assignments that don't have comments yet. There are several from Thurs/Fri last week.

Third, I really like how many of you identified the need to have gender balanced teams, to put equity measures in place to ensure the women (or men) on those teams can participate safely, to include training on GBV referral pathways and how to address disclosures as part of general training, to adjust and adapt language both linguistically and culturally, to include tools and questions for both (!) sectoral reasons as well as (!) "bang for your buck" general gender reasons (aka asking about decision making orr mobility then applies across ALL sectors, not just WASH or Protection), and so many other things. Truly well done.

Finally, for those of you already well into the week 4 assignment, some of your colleagues have already posted an excellent example to look at in the event you're feeling a bit lost about where to start, or where to go. I encourage you to go take a look. It's great!

Well done again, everyone! Looking forward to seeing the next round of inputs!




  • Debbie Santalesa
  • Robyn Baron