Activity Stream
Varsha1 Msu new posted a new update…
Impermanence, also known as the philosophical problem of change, is a philosophical concept addressed in a variety of religions and philosophies. In Eastern philosophy it is notable for its role in the Buddhist three marks of existence. It is also...More
Varsha1 Msu new commented on their update New Flowering Updates...
Varsha1 Msu new added one new item to shares:
- Shared at June 20, 2023
Varsha1 Msu new posted a new update…
Flowering plants are plants that bear Ð flowers and fruits, and form the clade (/ˌændʒiəˈspərmiː/),[6][7] commonly called angiosperms
\(\forall x \in X, \quad \exists y \leq \epsilon\)
They include all forbs (flowering plants without a woody ste...More
@Abc5 Xyz,@MahaswamiMS user1, both are commented