Margaret Wells
Margaret Wells commented on an update Update 4 Bookwidgets Games in EPSY 559 FA20.
Margaret Wells commented on an update Update 3: ALEKS - A Remote Option for Differentiation in EPSY 559 FA20.
Margaret Wells commented on an update Update 5: Project-Based Learning in EPSY 559 FA20.
Margaret Wells commented on an update Oral Presentation and Update - Original Gamification: Xbox Gamerscore in EPSY 559 FA20.
Margaret Wells commented on an update Update 5: Differentiation by Product in EPSY 559 FA20.
Margaret Wells commented on an update Update 6: Intelligent Applicant Screening in EPSY 559 FA20.
Margaret Wells commented on an update Online Assessment with Mentimeter in EPSY 559 FA20.
- A Case Study of Game-Based Learning in Medical Education
- Gamification in Education and Medical Education Settings
- MedEdOnline Case X
- Transformative Learning