Kevin Cooley’s Updates

Update #2: Student Led Learning

Student led learning is certainly not a new concept, but it is a critical aspect of teaching music. It's easy for a band director to get on the podium and give every answer to the students, but often students either don't retain or retain incorrectly. Giving students an opportunity to shape and mold the music or ensemble is a critical aspect of gradually releasing responsibilities and ensuring an affective experience.

One example of how student led learning can be effectively applied is through a student leadership team in an ensemble. Students can elect to auditon for section leader or drum major positions that serve other students in the ensemble. In order to gain the position, students must interview with me individually to explain why they want to serve the band. Once selected students go through some basic training on how to identify and correct mistakes and how to interact properly with students. Then the leadership team is tasked with objectives on a weekly basis that is led by their hopes and goals for the band that season. They are responsible for teaching sectionals and keeping morale up throughout the season as well as helping to put a polished product on the field.

In my experience I've found that this strategy has helped build a greater level of buy in for all students because students tend to be more motivated by their peers then by a teacher. This system is also popular with parents and administrators because it helps students work on skills that are identified as critical by colleges and employers. I often try to design our leadership team around the annual NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) survey about regarding what their top items they would like to see on a resume. They're latest survey can be seen here: