Gabriela Porras
Gabriela Porras commented on an update Update 3: Image and Reading in EPS 554 SP20 EdM.
Gabriela Porras commented on an update Update 5: Concrete Poetry in EPS 554 SP20 EdM.
Gabriela Porras commented on an update Update # 5 Dioramas and Meaning Making in EPS 554 SP20 EdM.
Gabriela Porras commented on an update Update 3: Gestural Prompts for Kids wth Autism in EPS 554 SP20 EdM.
Gabriela Porras created the update Update #4: Google Tour Creator.
Gabriela Porras created the update Update 3: Instagram.
Gabriela Porras created the update Update 2: Insert Learning.
- Twitter for Education
- Social Media in Education: Making Visual Meanings
- Social-Emotional Learning: A Case Study
- Technology-mediated Learning