Dallas Bibbs’s Updates

Update 2: Teem stress from a teen perspective

Media embedded September 3, 2022

I found this video interesting as an educator because I teach high school students and I've had many students come to me with personal problems. Michaela Horn does a great job talking about what stresses she is currently dealing with like homework, not getting enough sleep, school paper editor, playing a musical instrument, and trying to meet college application deadlines. She takes initiative and conducts a survey at her school that was anonymous to find out what other students are stressed out about. In today's classroom, many students are dealing with social and emotional stress and they are afraid to talk about it. In the video, Michaela talks about some stress for teenagers is coming out and letting friends and family know they are gay. She talks about one student who told her parent that they want a gender change, but the family said no. Times have changed in the classroom and school environment of course this has been going on in some school districts for a while. She talks about her friend who wanted to commit suicide and she didn't know what to do. After doing the survey she found out that teenagers are willing to share their feelings with strangers instead of their families. How many teachers have noticed changes in students like their wrist cut marks, bruises on the body, and wearing the same clothes every day in isolation from the class? The stress teenagers are dealing with can affect their performance in the classroom. 

Michaela Horn is not your everyday student as I'm impressed with her public speaking and how she reaches out to her classmates and friend to help them with their social and emotional challenges.  I’ve had to talk to students about suicide and it's difficult, but I was successful because I was able to let the school counselors know I had to make sure she was improving her interactive skills in the classroom.  What type of stress are your students dealing with?


TEDxTalks. "Teen Stress from a Teen Perspective | Michaela Horn | Tedxnaperville." YouTube. YouTube, 13 Dec. 2017. Web. 3 Sept. 2022.