Activity Stream

  • Annie Sarachan

    Annie Sarachan joined the community.

    Added on September 10, 2023

  • John Jairo Grijalba Obando

    John Jairo Grijalba Obando joined the community.

    Added on October 16, 2022

  • Edgar Iván Castro Zapata

    Edgar Iván Castro Zapata joined the community.

    Added on June 20, 2022

  • Jonathan deHaan Ludic Language Pedagogy

    Jonathan deHaan commented on Quick intro

    Hi Cherise - nice to meet you! Your work sounds really interesting! I am not sure if you are looking for articles, but I have always drawn a lot of inspiration from Kafai's work (not teachers making games, but students making games for other...More

  • Cherise Randle

    Cherise Randle joined the community.

    Added on November 22, 2020

  • Ludic Language Pedagogy

    Jonathan deHaan posted an update …

    Quick intro

    I edit and am looking for other teachers and researchers interested in language and literacy teaching and learning with games, play, simulations, roleplays, stories, etc

    Personally, I am very interested in the Pedagogy o...More

  • Jonathan deHaan Ludic Language Pedagogy

    Jonathan deHaan created the community .

    Created at June 19, 2020