Letramentos’s Updates
Recursive Feedback
A new generation of assessment systems: Including continuous machine-mediated human assessment from multiple perspectives (peers, self, teacher, parents, invited experts etc.), and machine feedback (selected and supply response assessments, natural language processing). Student work can also be assessed through data mining techniques, analyzable either as individual progress, or comparisons across cohorts. Student are also offered just-in-time feedback, or assessment that is for learning (formative assessment) and not just of learning (summative assessment).
See more videos on this topic here.
Some of us devise teaching activities for students to do on virtual learning environments such as Moodle, or using apps like Whatsapp. In general we feel that our feeback is still teacher centered, or based on the assumption that students won't perform tasks unless they're graded (compulsory work), and that it's up to us to give students valid, useful or adequate feedback (in the end, it's very time consuming - one teacher assessing several students' work). Also, we're concerned with how to give feedback to students who don't speak or participate much.
Our group has discussed the importance of recursive feedback due to the following aspects:
recursive feedback descentralizes the teaching-learning process so that the teacher may become a co-operative partner, a reader, rather than an evaluator.
it turns out that recursive feedback should be understood not as correction, but as dialogue, co-operation and engagement between the teacher and the student; and among students themselves; anonimous peer-revewing is also a very positive aspect of it;
recursive feedback is positive for students feel in trouble with occupying the spot of agents;