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Participate as an Audience Member today! Learn More about the Seventeenth Global Studies Conference

Only interested in participating as an audience member? We have options for you.

Audience Passes are for those who want to benefit from the content, connect with presenters, and join the discussion. Audience members will be recognized in the program for their participation. Audience Passes can add the benefits of Research Network Membership to their registration.

In-Person Audience Passes give acces to:

  • Access to all headline presentations: welcome addresses, plenary addresses, and curated thematic content -- either live or from any place and in your own time
  • Participate in innovative formats -- Talking Circles, Garden Conversations -- using the best of in-person and online capacities, and on a human scale
  • Access to the content of in-person and online presenters, including online conversation spaces and peer-to-peer discussions
  • Access to official programmed in-person and online special events: Welcome Reception, Book Launches, and more
  • Lunch and coffee break on the days of the conference (in-person)
  • Official Recognition in the conference program

Online-Only Audience Passes give access to:

  • Access to all headline presentations: welcome addresses, plenary addresses, and curated thematic content -- either live or from any place and in your own time
  • Participate in innovative formats -- Talking Circles, Garden Conversations -- using the best of in-person and online capacities, and on a human scale
  • Access to the content of online presenters, including online conversation spaces and peer-to-peer discussions
  • Access to official programmed online special events: Welcome Reception, Book Launches, and more
  • Official Recognition in the conference program

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