Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations’s Updates

Meet one of our local chairs for the Twenty-fourth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations!

Meet one of our local chairs for the Twenty-fourth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, Duarte Gonçalo Rei Vilar!

  • Associate Professor at Universidade Lusíada;
  • Appointed Director of CLISSIS in February 2013;
  • Degree in Sociology from ISCTE in 1981;
  • PhD in Sociology of Communication and Culture from ISCTE in 2000;
  • Degree of Investigative Capacity conferred by the Faculty of Psychology of the - University of Salamanca in 1999, with frequency of the teaching part of the Doctorate of 3rd Cycle in Sexology;
  • He has been involved since 1983 in research projects on families, adolescence, human sexuality, and sexual and reproductive policy and rights;
  • Through his involvement in the Masters in Social Work and Social Gerontology, he has also become involved in research on the issues of aging and the elderly.


  • Doreen Loska
  • Doreen Loska
  • Doreen Loska