LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates
Career Dev: Be a part of the Journal of Learning Design and Leadership
As students and alumni, we are launching an online journal: The Journal of Learning Design and Leadership.
Something we have heard from many of you is that you are looking for opportunities to publish. As online students, and especially those pursuing the EdD, you may not have a relationship with faculty and/or be involved in faculty-led research projects. We hope that this journal will provide an opportunity to showcase your work. And this journal is open to Masters or Doctoral students and alumni.
The journal would be fully online through CGScholar. Because this will be online, we plan to have a rolling publication timeline, so this should give more people the opportunity to have their work published.
We are currently looking for 5-10 volunteers to help us get this going as soon as possible. Ryan Bartelmay had the idea back in 2018, so a few of us put together a proposal of what this might look like. At the time, we didn't get the buy-in we had hoped for. But now we are moving forward. The committee will refine and finalize the plan and execute on next steps.
Dr. Cope proposed the title of The Journal of Learning Design and Leadership. The title of this journal should not imply that it is limited to those in the LDL program, but rather that it can include articles across a variety of learning-related topics. But the name should bring visibility to our program.
Please comment on this post if you'd like to get involved.
Once the committee is established, we will finalize the types of works. the submission guidelines, and the review and editorial process. But here is an example of what we might be looking for:
- 3,000-5,000 word Literature Review
- 5,000-6,000 word Dissertation Synopsis
- 2,000-3,000 word Case Study
- 2,000-3,000 word Essay
- 2,000-3,000 word Technology Assessment
- 2,000-3,000 word Book Review
Many of these are examples of works that you may have written for one of your LDL classes or your dissertation. You will be encouraged to repurpose your existing work by aligning it with our submission guidelines.
Feel free to ask questions or share comments on this idea by commenting here.
@Kara Francis, I'm interested in participating.
I'm interested in helping!
Yay! I’ll add you to the invite. I hope the rest of you all received the invite. Only a few have accepted.
I would love to help with this!
A square icon that can be included as the journal’s community icon in scholar. It could be as simple as a solid background with the words in a legible font. Or a slightly multi-toned monochrome background or something like that.
What kind of a logo are you thinking of?
I'd love to help out with this!
I'm glad this appears to be moving forward! Depending on the time commitment, I'd be willing to volunteer.
Great. Thank you so much. I think that the time commitment doesn't need to be high, it is really about committing to an action item and completing it by the deadline. So all small tasks.
One thing we need is a logo. Does anyone have any graphic design skills?