Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

The Inclusive School - Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope

Media embedded July 16, 2017
Media embedded July 16, 2017

Differentiated learning occurs where individuals and groups of students can work at a pace that suits their needs. This ensures that all learners are able to make progress measured against common goals. See these videos on differentiated instruction.

Instead of one-size fits all approaches to education, learner differences can be used as a productive resource. See:

  • Kalantzis, Mary and Bill Cope. 2016. "New Media and Productive Diversity in Learning." in Blickwechsel/Diversity: International Perspectives on Teacher Education, edited by S. Barsch. Münster, Germany: Waxmann.



Comment: What does "productive diversity" mean? How can we create inclusive education?

Make an Update: Describe and analyze an inclusive education strategy.

  • Lauren Gagne
  • Evangeline Frias
  • Kristine Feko
  • Ericson Mabale
  • Ysheeta Ramjutun
  • Reidar Staupe Delgado