Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

Essential Peer Reviewed Update #7 version 3

Comment: What does "productive diversity" mean? How can we create inclusive education?

Diversity is to be a positive resource in classroom. Inclusive environment should maximize the opportunities for performers.

Five principles taken up by prof Bill Cope are ways to create inclusive education.

Number four is to nurture productive diversity,
which is what I would like to call the collaboration principle.
The kids come into the classroom,
the learners come into the classroom,
and they have all sorts of different experiences,
different interests, different abilities and how can we match those things,
how can we bring them together.
So those differences are part of our productive collaborative learning community.

Make an Update: Describe and analyze an inclusive education strategy.

5 principles by Prof Bill Cope above are also an inclusive education strategy.

I have been engaged to promote creativity at schools and universities until I retired. Diversity is an important source of creativity. At the same time to be creative means to be happy according to for example studies by University of Melbourne and prof. Richard Florida (Univ of Toronto, the exhibit). I would like to call it 'wellbeing principle'.